//EASY TABS 1.2 - MENU SETTINGS Edit By Streakyhorse 2012/09/02 //Set the id names of your tablinks (without a number at the end) var tablink_idname = new Array("tablink","anotherlink") //Set the id names of your tabcontentareas (without a number at the end) var tabcontent_idname = new Array("tabcontent","anothercontent") //Set the number of your tabs in each menu var tabcount = new Array("8","1") //Set the Tabs wich should load at start (In this Example:Menu 1 -> Tab 2 visible on load, Menu 2 -> Tab 5 visible on load) var loadtabs = new Array("1","8") //Set the Number of the Menu which should autochange (if you dont't want to have a change menu set it to 0) var autochangemenu = 8; //the speed in seconds when the tabs should change var changespeed = 3; //should the autochange stop if the user hover over a tab from the autochangemenu? 0=no 1=yes var stoponhover = 0; //END MENU SETTINGS /*Swich EasyTabs Functions - no need to edit something here*/ function easytabs(menunr, active) {if (menunr == autochangemenu){currenttab=active;}if ((menunr == autochangemenu)&&(stoponhover==1)) {stop_autochange()} else if ((menunr == autochangemenu)&&(stoponhover==0)) {counter=0;} menunr = menunr-1;for (i=1; i <= tabcount[menunr]; i++){document.getElementById(tablink_idname[menunr]+i).className='tab'+i;document.getElementById(tabcontent_idname[menunr]+i).style.display = 'none';}document.getElementById(tablink_idname[menunr]+active).className='tab'+active+' tabactive';document.getElementById(tabcontent_idname[menunr]+active).style.display = 'block';}var timer; counter=0; var totaltabs=tabcount[autochangemenu-1];var currenttab=loadtabs[autochangemenu-1];function start_autochange(){counter=counter+1;timer=setTimeout("start_autochange()",1000);if (counter == changespeed+1) {currenttab++;if (currenttab>totaltabs) {currenttab=1}easytabs(autochangemenu,currenttab);restart_autochange();}}function restart_autochange(){clearTimeout(timer);counter=0;start_autochange();}function stop_autochange(){clearTimeout(timer);counter=0;} window.onload=function(){ var menucount=loadtabs.length; var a = 0; var b = 1; do {easytabs(b, loadtabs[a]); a++; b++;}while (b<=menucount); if (autochangemenu!=0){start_autochange();} }